Friday, January 28, 2011

Ollie has a twin :)

My sons met Ollie this morning and my 5 year old decided he wanted one. So everyone meet R2 the orange octopus (yes he's in a Star Wars phase).

And here are Ollie and R2 just hanging out together

More to come!!!!

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet Ollie the Octopus

Ollie took me all day! Not because it was hard, but I have a tendency to have to stop to deal with my boys (5 and 8 months). I ended up doing most of my crocheting on this after they went to bed for the night.
It was fun and I'll definitely be making more in the future. Yay for first amigurumi projects!

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I really need to hire someone to blog for me ;)

I am such a procrastinator when it comes to blogging.  Everyday I get up and say I'm going to post here and I don't do it.  Uggggh as if I really have something else to do these days.

Well the Spideyghan has been put on hold because I ran out of "I Love This Yarn"!  I had purchased the yarn for the pattern a few years ago when my 5 year old was MUCH smaller, so of course he's now to big for it and I will haveto make it bigger.  The closest Hobby Lobby is 40 minutes away so I guess I'll have to buy the yarn online.  But here's how his Spideyghan looks as of right now:
He's so excited about it so I hope to finish it soon.  Now I can't decide what to do next.  I'm testing a pattern for Donna aka SmoothFox and downloading more patterns than I'll ever be able to create in my lifetime.  My goal today is to finish the tester square for Donna and start on SOMETHING.  I guess we'll all be surprise by what I pick LOL!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Okay so here I am 12 days later... I really have to get better with posting.  Every night I tell myself I'm going to post and every night I do not do it.

I've started a spidey-ghan for my 5 year old.  I found it online, it's also on ravelry here .  I've been crocheting it for the past 2 days and I think I've made good progress for someone unpacking boxes and taking care of my boys.

As you can see I still have a way to go.  I hope to be done by Monday.  Then it's on to amigurumi!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 of the New Year and....

Ughh I haven't picked up a hook yet in the new year, but with good reason.... I'm moving!!! We finally got military housing and as I'm typing this I'm in a car heading to Georgia. It's been 6 months since we left our last duty station so this has been a long time coming.

I promise to take a pic of an afghan that I will be finishing in the near future. It is that last afghan my grandma was finishing before she passed away the day after thanksgiving. She passed away at the young age of 90 years old and I guess I get my love for the needle arts from her.

Well that's enough of my chatter for today. I just want to keep my resolution of keeping you all updated :).

And here's a gratuitious pic of I-95 as we're heading to Georgia. The section of I-95 between South Carolina and Georgia has to be the most boring road EVER!!!

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