Friday, February 25, 2011


So I've been slacking a bit on my crochet.  I just love looking at and touching my yarn and I hate to crochet it up.  Yet I keep collecting patterns or thinking of designs.. it's such a vicious cycle.

Well I have done a bunch of tester patterns for Smoothfox.  She really is a great designer.  Here are some of her newest squares and coasters.

I whipped up a quick headband for myself today.

 I'm pretty proud of it as it was my first try.  All it is is a hdc band that I then sewed together and added a little flower motif so it wouldn't be too plain.  I'm going to try to make a few more in different stitches.  It feels good to be able to whip one up in abut 2 hours and then be proud to wear it :).

Well I have to run!  My 9 month old is calling.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bad blogger, bad blogger

Ughh. I am around. Just procrastinating as usual. I have ordered a few crochet and knitting books so I will update on that as soon as they start coming in. Besides that nothing much is happening. I did do two more tester squares for Donna aka Smoothfox so I will post pictures later on tonight.

My goal is to finish Mr. Oops this weekend. Wish me luck on that with the boys and with this being Valentine's Day weekend.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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